Thursday, July 24, 2008


This is where we are going. You will be able to make free mobile calls with your GSM handset to other GSM handsets.
Hardware Needed
· You will need a symbian 80 or 90 phone. Symbian phones are Nokia 6680, 6681 6682, N70, N90 handset (search them on the internet to see their prices and how they look like.
· Your symbian phone will need an internet connection. You can get this by apply and install GPRS (General Pocket Radio System) from your local GSM provider, MTN, Glo, or Celtel. We will discuss latter on how you can connect your mobile phone to GPRS, here in Nigeria. Note that, it is GPRS connection you need to run this program, WAP (Web enable protocol) is not allowed.
·You will need to sign-up with one or as many as you like, online VOIP service providers like skype at, MSN message, Yahoo, googletalk, ICQ etc visit their site to sign-up with them and keep their user ID, you will need it in the course of this study. Here, I will emphasize on skype, at, the most popular VOIP service provider today!
Introduction to Fring:
Fring uses your mobile internet connection to make peer-to-peer VOIP calls, send instant messages, and talk with VOIP applications such as skype, Googletalk and MSN messenger at no extra cost.
Fring is an online application that allow your GSM handsets to make VOIP calls, so you will be able to call for free, as long as you can. Your local GSM service cannot charge you for this, because you do not use their networks while calling.
· Go to, sign up to receive user ID (You may sign-up with other online application for their ID as well.
· Go to to start the downloading, click on “to download”
A form will come-out, fill the form appropriately.
Note: Your handset must be a symbian phone, either version 80 or 90 e.g Nokia Symbian series. Your local GSM SIM card must be active once you finish filling the form at the download section of An sms will be sent to your handset.
When filling the form to download, you must give the following information.
In the handset type field, select the type of mobile handset that you have. These are the set of handset that can use fring for free mobile calls.
· Your country field, select your country.
· In the mobile number field, type in the phone number of your handset.
Note: Enter your area code and phone number without any space. Type it carefully, your international number is your fring ID.
· Supply your e-mail and click “get it now”.
The confirmation screen will come out, and an sms will be sent to your mobile phone.
Once you have received the sms, the installation and set up process continues on your handset.
Note: If you don’t get the sms, enter your phone number correctly and try again.
The whole set-up will then continues on your handset.
The fring sms will read:
“click to download:
php? Userid = 97254434 & code = 46499”
Notice that the sms must be highlighted. If it doesn’t get highlighted, enable the “automatic find on” feature available in the options menu of your sms message!
· On your handset: Open the sms message and click the download link.
· After clicking, the following appears:
“connection to server needed”.
· Click “yes”, using your left soft key to begin the download process. Within a few seconds, the handset accesses the website. Fring is downloaded to your handset and you are ready to begin the installation process.
· At the end of the downloading process the following screen appears:
Security Warning:
Unable to verify supplier, continue anyway? Click “yes”. Your mobile security is not being compromised in anyway.
. The following screen open when click “Yes”:
“Install Fring”?
· Click “Yes” using your left soft key
· Then the following screen opens again:
“install”, “view certificate”, “viewdetails”
· Select “install” and press OK using your left soft key
· The installation process begins and the following screen opens:
· Select memory:
: Ph. Memo (5904 KB)
: M. Card (15070KB)
Select the memory you would like to use and press ok using your left soft key. Note: fring can be loaded into any available memory space.
Once you have completed the installation process, Automatic search for Access points may take place. The following screen appears:
“Automatic search for Access points”
· If you would like fring to automatically search for access points, press “OK”
Another screen will open which contains, End User License Agreement (EULA)
· Before you can begin to work with fring, read and accept the EULA.
· Scroll down to read EULA and Press “OK” The full EULA is available on fring website,
· The installation process continues and a progress bar is shown
Note: During the installation process, the following screen may appear:
Select access point:
. 3G Portal
· Orange internet
· Internet 3G
· MMS 3G
· The specific access point may vary depending on your international location and carrier.
Select your 3G/GPRs connection (and not your WAP connection).
Once the installation is complete, an “installation complete” message appears briefly. You are now ready to select your fring username and password.
Note: Your fring userld is your complete international mobile number e.g (your GSM number + country code number) 2348056441620
· Choose a user name of your choice
· And password
Your USERNAME or NICKNAME allows your friends to identify you in their contact list.
· Fring Id is your international number use by your friends to contact you.
· Password is used to protect your fring contact lists.
· Click next, using your right soft key to move to the next screen. The next screen allows you to add your VOIP (e.g skype) account details.
· The options allow you to select any of the VOIP provider you have chosen, you can add as many as you can, once you have sign-up to obtain their Id.
· Do you choose skype? Good!, you can also choose as many more as you can. Click in the joystick. The following screen ask for the user ID and password of the VOIP provider you have choosen, say, skype. Supply them accordingly.
· Click “OK” using your right soft key.
The following screen appears as fring signs you into the service:
“Registration, Please Wait”
· Once the sign-in is completed, the central list of your fring contacts, selected VOIP service(s) contacts and the handset’s list appears.
Note: If you add more than one VOIP services, the contact lists of all of them appear in the same place.
Congratulation! The installation is finished, you are now ready to make your first mobile free calls to anywhere in the world!
Making Your First Fring Call
Once you have completed the installation and registration processes described above, you’re ready to make your first call. To know that everything is working correctly, you may choose to call the test call.
The fring Echo is a test center that lets you record a message and plays it back to you. If you hear both the message at the test center and the message that you have recorded, you’re ready to go!
· To call the fring Echo:
1. Open Fring test call contact and press
the joystick in.
The call connects to the test center.
2. Listen to the message and follow
the instructions.
Your testing is complete!
Getting Started
Import of contacts (Automatic)
After the installation process, fring imports your contacts. This enables you to make all your calls from fring, without going back to your address book.
Note: Calls to contacts who do not have fring are regular cellular calls. Calling through fring does not change the call in any way.
Your fring contact list
User status alan
Search/Dial box Troy
The following statuses are displayed in the contact list:
On a call
Call quality
The call quality icon appears at the far right of each fring contact who is currently online. It describes the expected call quality between two parties who are connected to fring, based on the connections the parties have (e.g., 3G, GPRS).
Note: this icon appears only when your contact is a member of fring.
Opening fring
If you have installed and registered fring, the shortcut will appear in your handset’s Main Menu or under Menu > My own.
· To open fring:
Locate the fring shortcut in the Main Menu or under Menu > My own and press it.
Fring opens and is ready for use.
Minimized view
Fring is minimized while you are using your handset for something else (e.g., calculator).
· To minimize fring:
Press Hide using the right soft key or press the red button.
· To maximize fring:
Press the Menu button for one second and choose fring from the list that is displayed.
The Options menu
Invite a new friend
Search fring contact
Remove contact
Lock Keypad
To open the options menu, press your left soft key.
The following options are available:

Make a call. If the selected contact is a VOIP contact (e.g.), fring, Skype), the call is a VOIP call. If the contact is a regular mobile contact, the call is made using your cellular plan. See then making a call section in this guide.
Chat with your selected contact. See the Chatting section in this guide.
Invite a new friend
Send an SMS invitation to a friend, inviting him or her to join fring. See the inviting a friend section in this guide.
Search fring contacts
Add fring users to your contact list. See the searching for a contact section in this guide.
The following four settings are available:
1. Add or sign into a VoIP Service. See the Adding or Signing in to a VoIP Service section in this guide.
2. Show/Hide phone contacts-allows you to choose whether or not to display the contacts from your handset in your fring contact list.
3. Disable/Enable autostart-allows you to choose whether you’d like fring to open when you start your handset.
4. Change connection – lets you choose the desired connection.
Remove contact
Remove a VoIP contact from fring contact list. See the Removing a contact section in this guide.
Lock keypad *
Lock your phone’s keypad. Press the * key to lock the keypad. To unlock the keypad, press the menu button and then press*
Exit fring

Signing In and Signing Out
When you open fring, you are automatically signed in to fring and your other VoIP services.
· To Sign out of fring:
1. Press Options using the left soft key.
2 Select the Exit option.
3. You are signed out of fring.
Making a Call
Fring lets you make all of your calls directly from the fring main screen by importing all of your contacts.
Friends who do not yet have fring can be invited to join. See the Inviting a friend section in this guide.
Searching your contact list
You can browse your contact list to find contacts quickly.
. To find a contact:
Start typing the name of your contact.
The lit is filtered according to the characters you have typed.
Making a call to a fring or other VOIP contact
. To call a VoIP contact:
1. Choose the user-id of the person you want to call and check that the user is on line.
Press the green button on your phone
- or -
Press Options and then choose call
- or -
Press your joystick in.
2. After a short time, a dialing sound is heard. If your contact answers the call, your screen will display the name of the contact and a “Call in progress” message.
During a call, the following options are available:
. Hang up – end the current VoIP call.
. Navigate left or right – continue an open chat session or navigate to your contact list...
. Volume control - use the joystick up and down to control the volume level of the incoming voice.
3. When you are finished with your conversation, click the red button on your phone.
- or -
Press hangup.
The call is disconnected and a “Call terminated” message appears.
Note: fring displays the contacts that you have already added to your VoIP networks. To add a new VoIP contact, use your computer Internet connection, it will automatically be displayed on your handset. New fring contacts can be added directly from your handset.
Making a cellular call from fring
You can call your contacts from the fring contact list exactly as you would call them from the contact list of your handset. Dialing a cellular call from fring uses your regular cellular voice plan.
Receiving a fring call
Fring allows you to both make and receive calls using voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology.
. To receive a fring call
A call screen appears including the nickname of the caller.
Click accept using your left soft key
- or -
Press the green button on your handset.
Fring lets you chat with your contacts using instant messaging. You can chat with one or more of your contacts simultaneously/

Chatting with a contact
· To initiate a chat:
1. From your contact list, select the contact you want to chat with and press options using the left soft key.
Note: chat is only available for contacts that are listed through fring or another VoIP service.
2. Select Chat from the Options menu.
The chat screen appears.
Navigating between chats
If you choose to have two or more chats simultaneously, each will have a separate tab. Navitage between the chats using the right and left joystick keys.
Ending a chat
· To end a chat:
Click the right soft key on your handset.
Viewing offline chat messages
Chat messages can be received even when you are offline. If you have received a message, it will appear as an additional tab when you open fring. If you have received messages from more than one user, a tab opens for each user, displaying the messages they sent.
Managing Your Contact List
All of the contact from your handset automatically appear in your contact list, in addition to the contacts from your selected VoIP service (e,g., Skype), Within your contact list you can:
. Search through Your contact list (See Searching for contact above)
. Making a; fring call (See Making a Call above)
. Initiate a chat (Seee Chat above)
. Invite a friend
. Dial a number (See Making a Call above)
. Search for a fring contact
. Remove a fring contact
. Show or hide your handset contacts in your fring contact list
Note: If you delete or update a contact in your handset’s contact list, the details will be automatically updated in your fring Contacts.
Inviting a friend
. To invite a friend to join fring:
1. From the Contact list menu choose Options using your left soft key.
The Options menu opens
2. Choose the Invite a new friend option.
A screen with a text entry field opens.
3. Enter your friend’s mobile number
Note: If your friend’s mobile number is in your country, there is no need to add the country code.
An SMS invitation is sent to your friend’s mobile handset.
The SMS is sent from your device. You will be charged according to your cellular provider’s normal rate for SMS messages.
Fring can only be installed on supported handsets.
Searching for a contact
You can search for a contact who has already registered with fring and add her or him to your contact list.
· To search for a fring contact in the fring network:
1. From the contact list menu choose Options using your left soft key.
The Options menu opens.
2. Choose the Search fring contact option.
A screen with a text entry field opens.
3. Enter the user’s nickname, part of the user’s nickname or his or her phone number (fring’s user-id).
4. Click Search.
The search results are displayed.
· To add a fring contact from the search results:
1. Navigate to the nickname of the user you want to add and choose it.
2. Press the Options button using your left soft key and choose Add to contacts.
The user is added to your contact list.
· To close the search screen and go back to your contact list:
Press the Options button using your left soft key and choose Close search.
- or -
Use the left arrow to switch tabs.
Removing a contact
Only fring contacts can be removed from your contact list.
· To remove a fring contact:
1. From the contact list menu choose Options using your left soft key.
The Options menu opens.
2. Choose the Remove option.
The contact is removed.
Showing and hiding your phone contacts
By default, your phone contacts are displayed in your contact list. You can toggle between showing and hiding phone contacts.
· To select whether phone contacts are displayed in your fring contact list or not:
1. From the Options menu choose. Settings.
The following menu opens:
Dial Skypeout
Search fring contact
Change connection
Configure services
Show phone contacts
Enable autostart
2. If Show Phone Contacts appears, your phone contacts are currently hidden. To show them, choose Show Phone Contacts.
If Hide Phone Contacts appears, your phone contacts are currently displayed in your fring contact list. To hide them, choose Hide Phone Contacts.
Adding or Signing In to a VoIP Service
You can add a new VoIP Service or sign-in as a different user at any time.
· To add a new VoIP Service or to sign-in as a different user:
1. From the Options menu choose Settings.
The following menu opens:
Dial Skypeout
Search fring contact
Change connection
Configure services
Show phone contacts
Enable autostart
2. Choose configure Services
Screen opens displaying the available VoIP networks.
2. Follow the process defined in the Adding Your VoIP Service(s) – (optional) section in this guide.
History tab
The history tab keeps a record of every incoming or outgoing voice event in fring. To view the history tab, move the joystick to the right or to the left.
Fring test call
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The icons on the left side represent the following events:
Outgoing call (blue up arrow)
Missed call (red down arrow)
Incoming call (green down arrow)
Note: If you have chosen to display your phone contacts in fring, voice events from your phone also appear in the history tab.
The Options menu in this screen allows you to:
Make a call. If the selected contact is a VoIP contact (e.g., fring Skype), the call is a VoIP call. If the contact is a regular mobile contact, the call is made using your cellular plan. See the Making a Call section in this guide.
Chat with your selected contact. See the Chatting section in this guide.
Delete the entry from the history list.
Clear list
Clear the entire history list
Search fring contacts
Add fring users to your contact list. See the searching for a contact section in this guide.
To view the details of each event, press the right soft key. The details appear as in Figure 26 below.
Manually selecting an access point
You can select an access point at any time. Normally, once you have selected an access point, you will not need to change this setting.
· To manually select an access point:
1. From the Options menu choose Settings.
The following menu opens:
Dial SkypeOut
Search fring contact
Change connection
Configure services
Show phone contacts
Enable autostart
Choose Change connection.
The following screen opens
Select access point:
- 3G Portal
- Orange Internet
- Internet 3G
- MMS 3G
2. Select the desired access point and press Select using your left soft key.
As soon as the connection is confirmed, you will be connected to the desired access point.
Note: If the connection is not confirmed, the screen in Figure 28 appears so that you can select a different access point.
Choosing whether fring runs
Automatically on startup
You can decide whether you would like fring to run automatically on startup.
· To change whether fring runs automatically on startup or not:
1. From the Options menu choose Settings
The following menu opens:
Dial SkypeOut
Search fring contact
Change connection
Configure services
Show phone contacts
Enable autostart
2. If Disable autostart appears, fring is currently running when you turn on your handset. To present fring from running automatically, choose Disable autostart.
If Enable autostart appears, fring currently does not run automatically when you turn on your handset. To allow fring to run automatically, choose Enable autostart.
Your preference is saved.
Uninstalling fring
· To uninstall fring:
1. From the main menu on your handset, click Tools.
The Tools menu opens.
2. Navigate to the Manager option and click it.
A list displaying the applications currently installed on your handset opens.
3. Navigate to fring and press Options using your left soft key.
4. Navigate to the Remove option and click it.
A message opens indicating that the fring client will be removed.
5. Press Yes using your left soft key.
The fring client is removed from your handset.
I didn’t receive the SMS Message with the download link.
Please make sure you’ve entered your cell phone number correctly and try again.
If you still haven’t received the SMS, please contact our support team who will be happy to help.
I got a message “Installation Security Error – Unable to Install” – what do I do now?
Before attempting another installation, set the following settings on your handset:
1. Go to the Menu on your handset and navigate to the Tools option and choose it.
2. In the Tools menu, navigate to the Manager (application manager) option and choose it.
3. Press Options using the left soft key.
4. Choose the Settings options and press Select using the left soft key.
5. Set the Software installation option to On.
· To set the Software installation option to On:
1. Choose the Software installation option to On:
2. Use the up and down arrows on your handset to move to the On option.
3. Press OK using the left soft key.
6. Set the Online certif. check option Off.
· To set the Online certif. Check option to On:
1. Choose the Online certif.check option.
2. Use the up and down arrow on your handset to move to the Off option.
3. Press OK using the left soft key.
I get a message saying “Memory Full”
If your memory is full, clear some space by erasing files (e.g., applications, music files). Once there is sufficient available space, try downloading again.
I’ve downloaded and installed fring but cannot find it on my handset.
Where was it installed?
This varies from handset to handset. Usually, the shortcut is in the Main Menu of the handset or under Menu > My own.
I forgot my password.
Please go to
I got the SMS but the link is not clickable
Enable the automatic find on feature available in the Options menu of your SMS message.

Making free mobile calls via fring platform as a Nigeria is not different from that of other Country. There are some preparation you need to make. The beautiful thing is that most of what it require is here at your doorstep.

Symbian phone e.g. Nokia N90 (see the list on the previous page of this manual or on the fring website)
A GPRS/3G data pack: This comes from your local GSM provider e.g MTN, Glo and Celtel. You can get GSM Internet SIM card at: This allows to connect you handset to internet (GPRS).
Fastweb, B17, Amori Shopping Complex, Orelope Bus-Stop, Egbede-Idimu Road, Egbeda, Lagos. Tel: 08037274306, 08028756840.
Fring call will work best for unlimited mobile internet connection on your 3G phones. Once your phone is connect with GPRS (GSM internet), you can then browse to hif// and start downloading, as you’ve learnt in the guild manual.If you are making only 60 minutes call everyday, as a GSM user, you are spending #36,000 per month on the GSM calls alone. But with fring mobile calls through your GSM, you will be making unlimited calls, day and night, free, as long as you are connected with GSM data package (GPRS).